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Writer's pictureSuzi Wells

Caught In the Act!

I was delighted when this small watercolour won a first prize at Kingaroy show this year. I feel the watercolour captures the tenderness I feel towards the wallabies who are frequent visitors to our garden. We are fortunate to live surrounded by an environmental park which is home to a wide range of animals and birds who visit our garden for breakfast, lunch or supper! We keep waterbowls full to attract the wallabies and put out seed to draw a wide variety of finches and parrots to the feeding station outside our kitchen window. The wallabies are like gourmets who like to taste all the choicest things in the garden, but it is hard to be cross at them for long, even if we catch them nibbling out our rosebuds! One morning I drew back the curtain of the kitchen window to see that a cheeky wallaby had stolen the seed ball we hang out for the small birds to feed on. She was holding it in her delicate paws and nibbling it. We had been blaming the poor possum for the disappearing seed balls, but now we had found the real culprit: a wallaby with a small joey in her pouch! I grabbed my camera and managed to capture the moment. Then, of course, I had to paint what I'd seen. The title was easy: "Caught in the Act"! Now she's a prize winner too!

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